Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tu-95MS Crashes Near Khabarovsk (video with modeling)

A *ton* of articles out there on this one, I find the one from 1tv the best and a quick summary...I'm done looking at this one unless something new comes out of it.

Russia Suspends all Tu-95 Strategic Bomber Flights

This was done in time for a crash investigation of this type of aircraft near Khabarovsk.  This morning, today, during a training flight, according to some reports, all four engines failed.  the crew was given the order to jump.

The parachutes were seen from another aircraft.  Two of the pilots were found dead - presumably they crash landed.  The remaining five are located in a Khabarovsk hospital.  Their condition is satisfactory.  The same bomber was without combat equipment burned in an uninhabited area.  There was no damage on the ground.  In June there was another accident of this type of aircraft - in the Amur Oblast' a Tu-95 had an engine fire and slid from the main runway.  One was killed and 6 were injured. (video here too)

This article said it crashed at 9:51 MSK near the Litovka bomb range, 60 KM from Khabarovsk and it was the sixth accident sustained by the RFAF since the beginning of the summer.

This article says that the aircraft commander Anton B. and the flight engineer Aleksandr Z. perished in the crash.

This one says that 2x Mi-8 and an An-12 were dispatched for SAR.
Major Anton Batechko (Commander)
Captain Yuriy Kravtsov (Co-pilot)
Major Sergey Ponomarev (Navigator)
Senior Lieutenant Valentin Filippov (2nd navigator)
Captain Vasiliy Devyatkov (Comms)
Senior Warrant Officer Olek Сhakilin (tail gunner)
Major Aleksandr Zaytsev (Flight Engineer)

Это сделано на время, пока идёт расследование крушения такого самолёта под Хабаровском. Сегодня утром во время тренировочного полёта, по некоторым данным, отказали все четыре двигателя. Экипаж выполнил приказ прыгать.

Парашюты видели с другого самолёта. Двоих лётчиков нашли погибшими - предположительно, они разбились при приземлении. Остальные пятеро в Хабаровске в госпитале. Их состояние оценили как удовлетворительное. Сам ракетоносец без боекомплекта сгорел в безлюдном районе. Разрушений на земле нет. В июне уже была авария на этом типе самолётов - в Амурской области Ту-95 с пожаром двигателя при разбеге выкатился за пределы полосы. Тогда один человек погиб и шестеро пострадали.

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