Friday, February 27, 2015

Lipetsk Pilots Test New Aircraft (Video)

Good article here...I also put some of the interesting tidbits from the video.  It doesn't help that I don't have my laptop configured and can't look up Russian words!  Still some neat footage.

26 Feb 2015

Lipetsk Pilots Test New Fighters

Aircrews of the Lipetsk Aviation Center are carrying out intensive flights on all weapons on fighter and bomber aircraft.  The main attention is being given to the new aircraft: Su-30SM combat aircraft of the 4+ generation and the multirole Su-35 from the next generation, 4++.

In this year it is planned to carry out massive deliveries of the new Sukhoi aircraft.  The Lipetsk aces are developing instruction for the main combat use of these aircraft for pilots around the country.

In the Russian Federation Air Force, the Lipetsk Center is one of the most flying units.  Last year, the flights were 119% of what was planned.

From the Video:
- :46, The Lipetsk Aviation Center is not simply a military unit, here two types of pilots work...test pilots and instructor pilots...their task is to fully exploit the capabilities of the aircraft and to pass this information on to the troops
- :59, One group of flight crews at Lipetsk conduct the most varieties of flying activities (not real sure what he says), group flights, training intercepts, air combat, use a bomb range (can't get the name of it...) where the launch rockets, drop bombs, and shoot cannons.
-1:35, ...he says something about "to kill the RAPTOR, 5th generation F-22"
-1:47, Aleksey Kurakin is a deputy suqadron commander of the Lipetsk Aviation Center

To be at Lipetsk is one of the greatest honors a pilot can have...

Липецкие летчики тестируют новейшие истребители

Летчики Липецкого авиацентра проводят интенсивные полеты на всех находящихся на вооружении истребителях и бомбардировщиках. Особое внимание - новейшей технике: боевым машинам поколения «4 плюс» Су-30 и многоцелевым Су-35, следующего поколения – «4 плюс плюс».

На нынешний год запланирована массовая поставка в войска новейших Су. Липецкие асы разрабатывают инструкции по освоению и боевому применению этих машин для пилотов по всей стране.

В российских ВВС липецкий центр считается самым летающим соединением. По итогам прошлого года налет его пилотов составил 119 процентов от запланированного

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