Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pacific Fleet Marines Will Conduct Paradrops

The only reason I translated this is because I have their patch...155th Marine Brigade (used to be the 55th Naval Infantry Division, that's the patch I have or a subordinate unit, not sure)...and this is where it came from:

In 1994, Exercise "Cooperation from the Sea" was conducted, in and around Vladivostok, with the U.S. III Marine Expeditionary Force, to foster a closer relationship between the Russian Naval Infantry and the United States Marine Corps. U.S. Marines and Russian Naval Infantry conducted their first exercise on U.S. soil the following year, in Hawaii. "Cooperation From the Sea 1995" was a maritime disaster relief exercise, which included cross training and personnel exchanges, and culminated in a combined amphibious landing of U.S. and Russian marines. The purpose of the exercise was to improve interoperability, cooperation and understanding between U.S. and Russian personnel.

If I remember correctly, we had Ropucha-Class BDK-077 "Peresvet", Udaloy II-Class BPK-548 "Admiral Pantaleyev", and some Boris Butoma-class out there.

I'll scan the patch if I can ever find it...its buried somewhere :)

24 Feb 2015

Pacific Fleet Marines Will Conduct Paradrops

The word "отрабатывают" is interesting; I translate it as "work/conduct" but in military terms it means "practice to perfection" or "drill"...so in other words, they are going to do it to simply "train to get better"

Troops from the Pacific Fleet marine independent brigade will continue to conduct training jumps with a parachute.

The "Black Berets" will conduct jumps with weapons and extra munitions from a military An-26 transport aircraft from 900 meters and 1500 meters.  By the end of the winter training cycle, more than 500 marines will have conducted training jumps.

Intensive ground training took place prior to live jumping with a parachute.  The marines studied a new parachute system, packed the chute properly, fitted munitions and anchored the weapons, and then drilled the elements of jumping.

The commander of the marine unit, Coloel Sergey Nazarenko, noted that "the new and more maneuverable D-10 parachute system was used more during the marine training cycle as well as a one and a half times amount of jumps as compared to 2014."


24.02.2015 (13:26)
Морские пехотинцы Тихоокеанского флота отрабатывают десантирование с воздуха

Военнослужащие отдельной бригады морской пехоты Тихоокеанского флота (ТОФ) продолжают отрабатывать учебно-тренировочные прыжки  с парашютом.

«Черные береты» выполняют прыжки с оружием и дополнительным снаряжением из военно-транспортных самолетов Ан-26 с высоты 900 и 1500 метров. Всего до конца зимнего периода обучения парашютно-десантную подготовку пройдут более 500 морских пехотинцев.

Прыжкам с парашютом предшествовала тщательная наземная подготовка. Морские пехотинцы изучали новую парашютную систему, порядок её укладки, подгонки снаряжения и крепления вооружения, а также до автоматизма отработали элементы прыжка.

Как отметил командир соединения морской пехоты полковник Сергей Назаренко,  «особенностью подготовки морской пехоты в зимнем периоде обучения стало применение более маневренной парашютной системы Д-10, а также  увеличение в 1,5 раза интенсивности прыжков по сравнению с аналогичным периодом 2014 года».

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